Tuesday, April 17, 2007

But(t) you see...

It's been a while since I posted anything here - and I was wondering what I could do. This post was probably prompted by something I read in the papers - articles (this particular one caught my eye) discussing the smoking ban. As a sporadic smoker myself, I shouldn't make moral judgements, but yes, it's bad news and it's always better to quit. But all said and done, it's not particularly easy to wipe out cafe culture in a day, let alone kicking the habit on your own time. Take a look yourself:

pic by axolo71

pic: HMDIV


Random Doodler said...


Loony Libberswick of Llapland said...

very origninal. just like the title of this post. *grin*

Sid Soni said...

How about this?

Mistakenly, posted the same comment on your other post too.